Tuesday, 2 December 2008


•company found existing digital music players "big and clunky or small and useless" with user interfaces that were "unbelievably awful” so Apple decided to develop its own. Apple's hardware engineering chief, Jon Rubinstein, assembled a team of engineers to design it. The product was developed in less than a year and unveiled on October 23rd,2001. CEO Steve Jobs announced it as ‘only’ Mac-compatible product with a 4 GB hard drive that puts "1000 songs in your pocket. There had been 5 different ipod models consisting of the classic, mini, nano, shuffle and touch which all had a few different designs each. The most important change was when it used USB enabling the ipod to be compatible with the windows computers which are the majority instead of the firewire connection used with the Mac.


•The popularity of the iPod has suggested to many other companies that there is a market out there for the taking, if only they can crack what makes the iPod so popular - simplicity, looks and the cool factor. Some of the competitors offer 'iPod clones' but with additional features, while others go in a different direction.
•Microsoft Zune
Microsoft, not happy with its domination of the PC market, launched its 'iPod killer' in November, 2006. Although slightly bigger and heavier, the Zune is the same price as the iPod, and is packed with additional features, from an FM tuner and a bigger screen with customisable wallpapers to wireless connectivity. The last allows files to be sent from Zune to Zune within a range of 30 feet. the zune has different types like the ipod and get bigger an prices from zune4 to zune 120 relating to memory size. not far behind the attractiveness but has a horrible rectangle look the price is alot more and the interface doesn't seem as creative as the ipod. price range 100 dollars to 250 dollars
•Creative Zen
Creative offers stiff competition for both iPod and Nano. The standard iPod competitor, the Vision M, is a little chunkier, but has a far superior screen in terms of colour and resolution. It also has a built in FM radio and microphone as standard, and it only slightly pricier. The Zen V is very similar to the Nano, but the Zen V Plus version trumps it with video compatibility. Creatives are generally acknowledged as superior to the iPod in features, but their players tend to be bigger and slightly more expensive. Though their user interfaces are good, they can't quite match the iconic iPod style. the vision m style is big and bulky with the price of £90 for 30gb product which is actually cheap for the size with the 8gb ipod nanos being around £75 and £100 for 16gb which is half of creatives memory but more in price..